Corn Syrup


26 D.E./ 42 Baume’ Corn Syrup

(Low Sugar Content)
Liquidose 422 (26 D.E./ 42 Baume’ Corn Syrup) is an extra low D.E. acid converted product. It is used where low sweetness and high viscosity is desired. It is standardized a 42 Baume’ due to its extreme viscosity.

42 D.E./ 43 Baume’ Corn Syrup

(Regular Sugar Content)
The most commonly used corn syrup and has regular sweetness. It is a pure, regular D.E., acid converted corn syrup.

62 D.E./ 43 Baume’ Corn Syrup

(High Sugar Content)
Liquidose 436 is a high conversion 62 D.E. acid-enzyme converted product. It has good fermentability in yeast leavened bakery products and is sweeter than lower conversion corn syrups.